Wednesday, August 23, 2006

2 New Justin Timberlake Songs (And 1 Clip)

The past 24 hours have been very Tmberlake-y lol. As if their weren't enough JT leaking lately, here's 2 full songs. One is a CD-rip, the other is recorded at a club tour stop. The tracks are "FutureSex/LoveSound" and "LoveStoned" respectively. Lastly, is a 30 sec clip of a hidden song off the album called "Pose" which will feature Snoop Dogg. Here are the links:

Justin Timberlake - FutureSex/LoveSound (3.70 MB) (CDQ)

Justin Timberlake - LoveStoned/I Think She Knows (6.10 MB) (LQ)

Justin Timberlake ft. Snoop Dogg - Pose (Clip) (0.58 MB)

(All tracks are hosted on ZShare)

Thanks to for "FutureSex/LoveSound"

As always, should you put these links on your blog, MySpace, or whatever, credit SexyFront.

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