Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Taylor Swift - White Horse

After a long hiatus (Latin for "period of laziness") I'm back with what you could call an exclusive. Last Thursday, a new Taylor Swift song, "White Horse," was played during Grey's Anatomy. Now they ruined it by talking all over it with some sappy storyline or something (it's physically impossible for me to focus on the story in any given episode of GA). Luckily, some benevolent, caring internet pirates put up a version of the episode with 5.1 surround audio. That means separate dialog and music tracks! After some poking and prodding and at least one kick to my hard drive, I got a version of the song completely devoid of anyone from the show talking. There's just a hint of sound effects in the background. Enjoy!

Taylor Swift - White Horse

As always, should you put this link on your blog, MySpace, or whatever, credit SexyFront.

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